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Even though climate change deniers come from all around the globe, the most powerful climate change industry is most often claimed to be in the United States.


In 2014, it was found that only 8 out of 278 Republicans publicly accepted the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-caused.


These politicians often voice out opinions that invalidate the climate consensus.

These opinions, frequently aired on mainstream media, shape the public's opinion on climate change and climate science (see 'Denial in The Media').


Donald Trump, President of the United States of America


  • Known to be vocal about his denial of climate science

  • States that climate scientists have underlying motives which result in them exaggerating the effects of global warming, rendering their research biased and unreliable.

  • When asked about his views of the National Climate Assessment his own administration released in 2018, he replied, "I don't believe it." 


Sarah Sanders, White House Press Secretary


  • As the spokesperson for her government and their policies, she doubted the findings of the National Climate Assessment the Trump government mandated. She said the report “was not based on facts”. 


Senator James Inhofe


  • Senator Inhofe was the chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (2015 – 2017).

  • He denies that global warming is happening, and once used a snowball to prove his point in parliament (see video above).

  • He once said, " global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.

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